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This page was created by Heath Babb
for The Odin Project: Landing Page CSS Project

The Odin Project:
Landing Page CSS Project

Welcome to my development journey! This landing page, originally a project from The Odin Project's Foundations Course, now serves as the gateway to my web development portfolio. Below, you'll discover my progression from my first HTML project to my current work, including my comprehensive portfolio and the website I am developing for my church. I encourage you to explore my portfolio to learn more about my growth as a developer and see how The Odin Project has shaped my web development skills. Ready to see my transformation from student to developer? Let's dive in!

If you are interested in The Odin Project, click the button below to sign up for the course! Best thing is, it's free!

The Odin Project Logo
The Odin Project Logo | courtesy of The Odin Project

Current Projects by Heath Babb

click an image below to view the project

Odin Recipes Landing Page
The Odin Projects: 1st foundational project focusing on HTML created by Heath Babb
Motlow Creek Ministries Landing Page
Motlow Creek Ministries Landing Page created by Heath Babb in collaboration with Motlow Creek Baptist Church
Heath Babb Landing Page
Personal website and portfolio created by Heath Babb

"Wise is he who knows he does not know;
the path to mastery is forged with
patience and persistence."

-- Odin, All-Father (Alföðr)
God of Wisdom
from Norse Mythology
Inspired by Norse mythology, from the teachings of the Hávamál in the Poetic Edda.

Let's Connect!

Looking to collaborate on your next project?
As a dedicated developer, I'm ready to turn your ideas into powerful digital experiences.
Let's create something amazing together!